Time to Go Back Home

I came to Barcelona two weeks ago for a Co-Active Institute’s Leadership Program Retreat. This was Retreat Two. These past two weeks have been filled with a lot of eye-opening and heart-expanding challenges and valuable lessons about leadership. Now, it is time to go back home!

time to go home
Leadeship starts with making your bed, first thing in the morning

Speaking of going back home, I am not going back home alone. I am going back with an amazing friend who is kind enough to, not only accompany me along the journey, but has agreed to stay with me. Isn’t that cool?

I am talking about Bixterian!

“Ahhhhh, that is awesome!” Bixterian exclaims, looking at me. “Wow, just wow! When I saw you tidying your Airbnb room, I thought you were going to abandon me here!”

“No, Bixterian, I am learning that friends are a gift that we can take with us inside our hearts,” I reply. “The only thing is it has to be genuine, authentic and requires time to cultivate.”

“Well, I am curious about the lessons that you are learning,” Bixterian comments. “Would you mind sharing some of the lessons?”

“Where do I start Bixterian?” I ask.

“Well, let’s start with something personal that you shared with me, that is if you are ready to share with the public. Let me see! Oh, the bed!”

Co-Active Leadership Program

I first learned about the Co-Active Leadership Training when I was going through Co-Active Coaching course. One of the front room leaders mentioned a book titled Co-Active Leadership: Five Ways to Lead. Having been used to only one way of leading, learning that there are five ways to lead intrigued me. I wanted to learn more! This was about four or so years ago.

Now that I am going through the Co-Active Leadership Training, my joy is beyond words! I feel immensely blessed and deeply grateful that I am having the opportunity to learn the power of fluidity and flexibility. The ability to embrace fluidity and flexibility that enables a leader to adapt their leadership to the needs of any given situation is what I have been yearning for.

This training is offering me the beauty of harnessing the possibility of many rather than relying on the traditional power of one person. By doing this, I am able to share my range of strengths with others, thereby fostering deep connections due to the shared ownership of collaboration.

This is a habit that I am taking with me home, to my work environment and other relationships. It is my strong belief that a remarkable leader is the one who tries their best to integrate valuable lessons learned into their leadership at home, work and other relationships. It is not an easy walk in the park. But, it is possible and the results are beautifully impactful.

Ready to learn more? Here is a link where you can learn more about the Co-Active Leadership Model.

Co-Creating From Each Other
Exploring dreams, writing and parenting children with Virginia Skrobisch
About Virginia Skrobisch

One of the beauty of going through the Co-Active Training Program is the limitless opportunities to connect with other Co-Active Leaders. I am fully taking advantage of my leadership training by connecting with other leaders. 

Just before going back home, I had an opportunity to rub shoulders with Virginia Skrobisch. After meeting her through a presentation she made during a Heart-Based Coaching Monthly Meeting, I got in touch with her. She honored my request and we met over a cup of coffee. During our meeting, we explored what it means to lead from the heart, writing and parenting children. 

Virginia is such a resource that will transform the way you look at your child, their place in the world and their dreams. By the way, she has written a book that I know you will absolutely love! Ready to explore more about the powerful beauty of equipping your child to be a dreamer?

Click on this link

It is time to go back home

Bixterian, I can see you are rolling your eyes. Nevertheless, let me repeat what I mentioned awhile ago. Going through the Co-Active Leadership Program has made me acquire new habits that I would like to take home with me. You know how easy it is to go through a program, feel nice while in the program and yet leave behind the valuable lessons learned?

In my experience, this is because as human beings we are used to our old habits of doing things. During the training, my heart is getting stretched and there is a constant war between my heart and my mind. My heart knows and feels what is right and needed in every situation that arises. And, because my mind has learned how protect me from past disappointments, it is so easy for me to want to leave the incredible experiences I have learned during the retreat.

Here are some of the things I am taking home with me:-

  • Making my bed immediately after waking up
  • Wearing colourful t-shirts
  • Considering getting lost as a way to learn
  • Visiting a store to engage in small talk
  • Adapting walking as a primary means of transport
  • Embracing the possibilities of yes, and
  • Traveling to new places

Hold on Bixterian, this story doesn’t end here.

This is just, but, the beginning! Grab our bags and let’s go Bixterian!

It is time to go back home where I am going to properly introduce you to our boys.


it is time to go home
This is the burning fire that fuels my Leadership Quest
Segrada Familia
Inside the Segrada Familia
Live, Love, Laugh and Dream
The Dragon at Park Güell

Side Bar

I lead a nonprofit in Kenya called Lifesong Kenya! About 1 in every 4 boys we work with are either being unfathered, underfathered or have been misfathered. Growing up without a father or a father-figure causes a boy to feel unappreciated, unloved and unprotected. 

Therefore, they become more vulnerable to juvenile delinquency, gender based violence, sexual assault, bullying, crime and conflict. They also become prone to dropping out of school and lack an appetite for life. Additionally, they also lack respect for their mothers or the authority.

Our organization helps to create an ideal environment where boys become more aware of who they really are. Together as a co-partners, we are the catalyst that helps to remind boys and young men of the infinite treasure they possess.

Would you like to join our cause?

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